Gals, this is for you. Heath let us in on a little Valentine's Day gift giving secret.
Heath has a few ideas that he thinks most of the fellas out there would be happy to receive for Valentine's Day.
- gift card to a favorite sporting goods store
- tickets to a favorite sports event
- tickets to a concert (he is pretty psyched about Def Leppard, Poison, and Tesla this summer in SLC)
- a night getaway to Wendover
- gift card to a hardware store
- any kind of new, fun electronic
- nice watch
So there you have it. I did ask him why the preference for gift cards and tickets. He replied with the fact that many men want quite a few things that they haven't ever expressed a desire for nor told you that they wanted it because it really isn't an option.
His example was this: If he received a gift card for a certain sporting goods store in town, say Sportman's Warehouse, he would be ecstatic and think to himself "Hot dang, now I can go get that sleeping bag I've always wanted and next year I won't freeze my socks off while I'm up hunting." He might have never mentioned he froze his socks off last year and that a new, nice sleeping bag would have solved that problem, but nonetheless, that is his desire. Sometimes our sweet gentlemen are a bit busy providing and do little receiving.
I asked Heath if a gift card seems too impersonal to receive and he said most fellas wouldn't think that at all because a gift card gives them the opportunity to get what THEY WANT. So I figure that if they receive a gift card to where ever their interests lie, that is much better than me wandering around Sportman's for an hour wondering what he really wants (because I do know he wants something there) and then getting frustrated and picking up the first XL camouflage shirt I see and busting out of there.
Tickets to events are the same kind of thing. If they love baseball, then tickets to a baseball game are a hit for sure especially if he doesn't normally purchase them himself and go. If you get tickets to a concert or some other performance that you know he is interested in, then your efforts are appreciated and his hobbies and pastimes are enjoyed.
And one more thought about gift cards and tickets. When they open a little card from you with the plastic or paperwork of whatever you give him, he may not be able to use it that day. Or the next day. But that truly doesn't matter. Even if the event or shopping experience is quite some time away, just knowing that they get that experience in the future is a gift. They get to think about it and plan it and run it over in their mind many times before it actually happens. So it is a gift that keeps on giving!
Heath is a wrist watch guy and a techie so anything along those lines are his personal favorites. That is why he included those on the the list. Maybe your guy is the same and would think a new techie tool or toy would make his day. If not, that weekend in Wendover might just be the perfect thing.
Hopefully Heath's ideas help you in your hunt for a great gift. Whatever you end up finding for your favorite guy, best of luck and don't forget to grab yourself a chocolate truffle or two.
Brought to you by Heath Harvey @