Buying or selling your home is kind of a big deal.

Buying or selling your home is kind of a big deal.

The Heber Valley is a unique place to live and raise a family. I'd like to provide you with helpful information to help you stay on top of the current trends in real estate and all things regarding your home, as well as community events and issues.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

A delish recipe for those of us that don't like cooking dinner.

This is Rachel talking today. 
I love to bake delicious little treats for dessert and all kinds of breads but I don't love cooking dinner. Heath is really great at it. I am not. But I made this and we both loved every mouthful.

I am a pesto fan.  Anything pesto is fabulous. I was craving pesto so I grabbed the jar out of the fridge and some chicken out of the freezer to thaw.
This is what happened - a good looking dinner that tasted gourmet and was so so simple. 

There were only 3 of us home for dinner, so I didn't make the usual grundle to feed our family of 8. Here is what I used:

2 monster chicken breasts
3 tbsp pesto
2 roma tomatoes
1/2 cup mozzarella cheese
2 tbsp Parmesan cheese

I cut the 2 big chicken breasts lengthwise through the width to make 3 skinny chicken fillet-like pieces from each breast. I lightly salted and peppered them and placed them on my foil covered cookie sheet. (See, it's called a cookie sheet or sheet cake pan because baking cookies and cake is fun!)
I spread 1/2 tbsp of pesto on the top of each chicken fillet and put them into a preheated oven at 400 degrees. I baked them for 18 minutes (the time it takes for 2 batches of cookies!) and took them out of the oven. I sprinkled them with mozzarella cheese then placed a few slices of tomato on each one. (I would normally skip this fancy step but I was trying to impress Heath, and it totally worked! It was delicious as well. Truly.) Then I sprinkled the Parmesan cheese on the top and of the tomatoes and threw them back in the oven for 5 more minutes.

In the meantime I cooked up a few whole grain noodles and steamed some veggies. It was a killer dinner and it was much easier than I expected.
I think you should give it a whirl, tomatoes and all.

Brought to you by Heath @

Home Sales Graph for Wayne County

This graph was generated by the Wasatch Front Regional MLS on July 18th 2018 and is for the geographic area of Wayne County only, for the previous 5 years. It shows us all kinds of information.

The blue line shows the median sale price of homes every quarter. Last quarter, April, May, and June, it was $200,000.
The black line shows the number of homes sold every quarter. In the past 3 months, 7 homes were sold.
The green line shows the total number of homes newly listed every quarter. Last quarter there were 12 homes listed for sale.

If you have any questions about this sales graph or want to discuss housing options for you in Wayne County, we would love to help you. Our goal is to make you the most educated buyer or seller.

Book us and we will be there.

Heath Harvey                              MeriAnn Boxall
 801-631-3430                               435-491-0313

Brought to you by Heath Harvey @

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Housing prices in the valley are on the rise

The home sales graph generated by the Wasatch Front MLS is out for the 2nd quarter of 2018.

The green line shows the homes listed.
The black line shows the homes sold.
The blue line shows the median sold price.
This graph shows the previous 5 years for Heber City, Charleston, and Midway.

There were 301 homes listed for sale in the 2nd quarter; April, May and June. There is usually a large jump in inventory every 2nd quarter and this year was no different.  

There were 185 homes sold in the 2nd quarter this year. The black line is following the usual shape. In the previous 5 years there have been more homes sold in the 3rd quarter than the 2nd. Hearing the housing forecasts and real estate market data, I think we can expect the same trend this year.

The median price of homes sold in the 2nd quarter this year was $469,000. This is down a little bit from the 1st quarter because there was more inventory available during the 2nd quarter so the prices were able to decrease a little. As the blue line keeps its general trend upwards as housing prices in the valley continue to climb, it is evident that many people are discovering the wonders of this community and the thriving economy in Utah and moving into the Heber Valley or upgrading their homes. We are experiencing a strong housing market and will probably continue to do so.

I find the statistics of the real estate market fascinating and there is so much information to glean from this graph. If you have any questions and would like to discuss this graph or if you have any other real estate concerns, I would love to talk with you. Give me a call. 801 631-3430

P.S. If you found this interesting, you might like Utah's Prosperity Scorecard stats here.

Brought to you by Heath @

Monday, July 9, 2018

You know you want to!

You've been waiting for this!
Come join us and our very own artist Jen Turner for PAINT NIGHT.  All supplies will be provided along with snacks and drinks with your $25 fee. Wednesday July 18th from 6 to 9 pm at the Innovative Real Estate Office at 2nd South Main Street Suite 2F in Heber City. 
Click here to register and save your spot!

Brought to you by Heath @