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Thursday, July 19, 2018

A delish recipe for those of us that don't like cooking dinner.

This is Rachel talking today. 
I love to bake delicious little treats for dessert and all kinds of breads but I don't love cooking dinner. Heath is really great at it. I am not. But I made this and we both loved every mouthful.

I am a pesto fan.  Anything pesto is fabulous. I was craving pesto so I grabbed the jar out of the fridge and some chicken out of the freezer to thaw.
This is what happened - a good looking dinner that tasted gourmet and was so so simple. 

There were only 3 of us home for dinner, so I didn't make the usual grundle to feed our family of 8. Here is what I used:

2 monster chicken breasts
3 tbsp pesto
2 roma tomatoes
1/2 cup mozzarella cheese
2 tbsp Parmesan cheese

I cut the 2 big chicken breasts lengthwise through the width to make 3 skinny chicken fillet-like pieces from each breast. I lightly salted and peppered them and placed them on my foil covered cookie sheet. (See, it's called a cookie sheet or sheet cake pan because baking cookies and cake is fun!)
I spread 1/2 tbsp of pesto on the top of each chicken fillet and put them into a preheated oven at 400 degrees. I baked them for 18 minutes (the time it takes for 2 batches of cookies!) and took them out of the oven. I sprinkled them with mozzarella cheese then placed a few slices of tomato on each one. (I would normally skip this fancy step but I was trying to impress Heath, and it totally worked! It was delicious as well. Truly.) Then I sprinkled the Parmesan cheese on the top and of the tomatoes and threw them back in the oven for 5 more minutes.

In the meantime I cooked up a few whole grain noodles and steamed some veggies. It was a killer dinner and it was much easier than I expected.
I think you should give it a whirl, tomatoes and all.

Brought to you by Heath @

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