So, with that comes a little spring cleaning. We know, yuck. But your home will feel so much better with a few small spring cleaning items checked off your list.
Here are just a few feel-good-to-get-moving cleaning items for you to work on this week. Just a few.
1. We'll start with a simple one - run some really really hot water down your sink drains. Clear out the gunk that's been accumulating in there. If you notice a slow drain, give it some chemical clog- cleaning solution.
2. The stove top and oven. Pull off all the knobs, burners, spill catchers and soak them in hot water and dish soap. While they are soaking, give that stove top and control panel a good wipe down with a wet cloth and dish soap to help cut the greasy build up.
If you have a stove/oven combo, most of them have tops that lift up with a hinge at the back of the stove top. At the front of the stove, just give a little tug on the top 2 inches or so and it should come up like a car hood and you even get a little wire to hold it up like a car hood!
Give that entire area a good wipe down and if you haven't done it before, then it will probably need a bit more attention and elbow grease. Replace the knobs, burners, and spill catch plates. Clean your oven as well. Give the racks a little scrubbing and everything about your oven and stove top is now super spiffy!
3. One more spot in your kitchen you should take care of today is behind the refrigerator. More than likely a year's worth of goodies are underneath it and behind it. Just pull it out real quick, grab your vacuum and suck it all up. Get your fridge coils too. With warmer weather ahead your fridge will be working harder. Dirty coils make your fridge inefficient.
*** A quick little cleaning the microwave trick - fill a microwaveable mug with water, heat it for two or three minutes. The moisture in the hot water evaporates a bit then condenses on the sides and top of the microwave which softens the casserole that was heated and splattered all over last week. That softened food comes off so much easier!
*** A quick little cleaning the microwave trick - fill a microwaveable mug with water, heat it for two or three minutes. The moisture in the hot water evaporates a bit then condenses on the sides and top of the microwave which softens the casserole that was heated and splattered all over last week. That softened food comes off so much easier!
1. Another easy one - wash your shower curtain. If you have a plastic liner, you can wash that too. Throw it right in the washing machine. It can be dried in the dryer as well but only for a few minutes. That's all it takes.
2. Clean your shower head. The hard water around here takes it's toll on shower heads and faucets. If your shower head is removable, then just soak it in a pan or bowl of half water and half vinegar. If it's not removable, then place a gallon ziplock bag over your shower head, fill it with vinegar and water, and seal with the top with heavy duty painters tape or even a strong rubber band. Let it soak all day. After the shower head has soaked, use a brush to clean off all the hard water chunks and debris. While you have out that brush and vinegar-water, give your sink and tub faucets a little attention as well.
3. Clean out that medicine cabinet. If you haven't used an item in a year, there's no need to keep it cluttering up your life. If it's expired, then it's a goner for sure. Wipe down the back of the cabinet as well as the shelves.
So there is a quick little jump start to some of the spring cleaning items that will feel so good to get completed. There is too much to do in just one day, but if you take a few little jobs and do a few every week, then you'll be golden and ready for full fledged SPRING!
Brought to you by Heath Harvey @

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