Tom, Lance, Ed, Felix, John, and Carli are the best people. I can not begin to count how many times I have gone in there in the past 15 years and left feeling great about my projects, my abilities, my mode of tackling a problem, and even just great about life. They are the most helpful folks. No matter what broken part I take into them, what paint I want matched, what tool I need, what Father's Day gift I'm searching for, what tiny little screw I need replaced, what crazy idea I have - they solve it all.
I saw their recent ad in the mail and almost went nuts with the thought of a new $5 shovel. I'm not being facetious. I really thought EVERYONE in the county should know that they can go get a $5 shovel or rake. I wanted to blog about it. Get the word out. So I went in there Saturday to get a hand planer for Heath and asked Tom and Carli Latimer if they minded if I blogged about their sweet shovel deal. I was surprised by their reaction.
They both suggested I get the word out about sand. Yes, sand. They have a huge sand pile in the corner of their parking lot. It's free sand. It's for sand bags. For you. For anyone and everyone that needs sand bags. Tom Latimer is trying to help everyone prepare for the spring run off. The temperatures this week are going to be really warm and the days are going to be absolutely beautiful and sunny and just what we all love. And the snow is going to melt. A lot of snow. Tom wants you to be prepared so he has sand for you.
You can bring your own bags and bag up the sand in the parking lot free of charge, or you can go into Latimer's Ace Hardware and buy 49 cent bags and then go bag up some sand and take it home. What a great community we live in with folks like Tom and his good group of fellas that work at his hardware store. If you have any concerns about potential flooding at your house, go in and visit them. Tom has free sand for YOU!
Brought to you by Heath Harvey @

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