When you are on the search for a new home, how will you know you found the right one? Here is the official, simple checklist.
- Well hopefully your realtor is only showing you homes in your price range, so the right price? CHECK
- When you drive through the neighborhood do you see yourself going home? Do you see yourself fitting in here perfectly? CHECK
- When you see the exterior of the house does it make you excited to see what's inside? Does it look like a safe, comfortable place for you? Are you thinking about your favorite flowers in pots on the front porch? CHECK
- When you walk inside are you already thinking that the Christmas tree would look great here or that your mom would love this kitchen? Do you imagine changing the paint color of a room to fit your tastes better? Then CHECK
- Do you take a few pictures on your phone and can't wait to send them to a few best friends? Are you feeling excited to have a group of your favorite people over for dinner? CHECK
- Have you already overlooked a few flaws? (EVERY house has them.) Do you already feel protective over this home, wanting to ignore something that isn't perfect? CHECK
- Does it just feel right? Deep in your gut and in your heart, does it feel like a good decision? It can be hard to get over the butterflies and excitement of such a big purchase, but do you feel good about living here? Then CHECK
So what do you do next? You put in an offer. Today. Not tomorrow. Don't sleep on it. Today. There are SO MANY people that lose their chance to purchase a great home because they wanted to sleep on it. They hum-haw about it for a day or two and then tell their agent they think they are ready, and their agent tells them that someone else put in an offer and it was accepted that morning. Don't let this be you. If you snooze you lose. Don't sleep on it, just do it. Your gut and your heart is telling you to do it. It's the right house.
Brought to you by Heath @ HeathsHomes.com

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