Here are two of my friends, Tristi and Cassidy. They are amazing and they are doing amazing things. One of those amazing things is hosting their podcast - Sweatpants Chronicles.
Their podcast has changed the way I think, for the better.
Everyone should give them a listening whirl. EVERYONE.
This is what they say about themselves on their website:
Two friends learning how to live their best lives and love themselves at the same time!
Are you struggling to love yourself and feel like you'll never be good (skinny, pretty, successful etc.) enough? Are you working yourself ragged and still coming up short at the end of the day? We've been there too! We exhausted ourselves with the struggle and decided we'd had ENOUGH. Enough of the mean girls (in real life and in our heads). Enough of the anxiety. Enough of the insecurities. Se we said STOP IT to all those voices telling us were not enough. And we embarked on our own journeys towards self love with the help of great friends, a whole lotta feelings, and some functional fitness. It was hard work but we've come a long way and now we want to help you become the total badass you already are! We're going to have real life conversation - conversations you might not even have with your best friend. We'll talk you through the tough topics while crying and (hopefully) laughing with you along the way. So grab your favorite caffeinated beverage, throw on your comfiest sweatpants and stay awhile.
You can subscribe to their podcast here and find them on Facebook here. Seriously, they are great. They can help you feel great and be great as well. They talk about some serious topics that many of us deal with everyday, or actually, some of us don't deal with at all, although we should. If you have EVER considered seeing a therapist but are apprehensive for any reason, give these two gals a go. Cassidy is a licensed clinical social worker and Tristi is a straight up, talk it out girl.
Brought to you by Heath @

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